Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Enough for today
Enough for today. Nanti orang kata apa lah tulis banyak giler pasal tunas puteri pulak. ei ei ei ... this is one of the important aspects in my life okayyyy... banyak lagi boleh di kongsi... tapi slow slow lah ye... mana tau esok lusa cerita pasal high school pulak, lepas tu kolej, dan macam-macam lagi lah kay... nanti cerita lagi lain kali... tata and take care everyone!

Informasi Am - Tunas Puteri
(Nota bertarikh 4.1.90)
Persetiaan Tunas Puteri
Dengan sesungguhnya saya berjanji:
1. Akan menjalankan kewajipan saya kepada TUHAN, Raja, dan Negara saya Malaysia
2. Menolong orang setiap hari, terutamanya mereka di rumah
3. Mematuhi undang-undang Tunas Puteri
Undang-Undang Tunas Puteri
1. Tunas Puteri selalu menurut ajaran orang yang lebih tua daripadanya
2. Tunas Puteri tidak menurut kehendak hatinya sahaja
Yang no 1 tu selalu dipraktikkan sekarang , tapi kadang2 ada juga melawan ajaran orang yang lebih tua ... tapi bersebablah ... kalau tiada sebab .. itu dah kira macam kurang ajerrr pulak... hmmm...
Yang no 2 tu... sekarang ni tak guna sangat, yalaah... sebab sebilangan besar keputusan yang dibuat adalah menurut kehendak hati sahaja... ahahha... tapi jangan risau, terdapat banyak lagi ruang untuk apa saja pandangan, cadangan and kritikan yang membina...
Kumpulan Tunas Puteri
Bunga Kesidang - Kesidang datang, menolong pagi dan petang
Bunga Siantan - Siantan datang berkawan, berani macam pahlawan
Bunga Melur - Melur taat dan setia, berusaha setiap masa
Bunga Kenanga - Kami bernama kenanga, berjasa bertenaga
Bunga Teratai - Teratai nama kami, bekerja setiap hari
Bunga Cempaka - Cempaka bersukaria, menolong orang duka
Dulu, saya dalam kumpulan Siantan. Tengok ajalah slogan kumpulan... berani macam pahlawan... ahahha... go figure! Lihat lah saya sekarang ... ahahahha cuba tengok gambar di bawah dan cuba padankan lencana dengan kumpulannya...
Persetiaan Tunas Puteri
Dengan sesungguhnya saya berjanji:
1. Akan menjalankan kewajipan saya kepada TUHAN, Raja, dan Negara saya Malaysia
2. Menolong orang setiap hari, terutamanya mereka di rumah
3. Mematuhi undang-undang Tunas Puteri
Undang-Undang Tunas Puteri
1. Tunas Puteri selalu menurut ajaran orang yang lebih tua daripadanya
2. Tunas Puteri tidak menurut kehendak hatinya sahaja
Yang no 1 tu selalu dipraktikkan sekarang , tapi kadang2 ada juga melawan ajaran orang yang lebih tua ... tapi bersebablah ... kalau tiada sebab .. itu dah kira macam kurang ajerrr pulak... hmmm...
Yang no 2 tu... sekarang ni tak guna sangat, yalaah... sebab sebilangan besar keputusan yang dibuat adalah menurut kehendak hati sahaja... ahahha... tapi jangan risau, terdapat banyak lagi ruang untuk apa saja pandangan, cadangan and kritikan yang membina...
Kumpulan Tunas Puteri
Bunga Kesidang - Kesidang datang, menolong pagi dan petang
Bunga Siantan - Siantan datang berkawan, berani macam pahlawan
Bunga Melur - Melur taat dan setia, berusaha setiap masa
Bunga Kenanga - Kami bernama kenanga, berjasa bertenaga
Bunga Teratai - Teratai nama kami, bekerja setiap hari
Bunga Cempaka - Cempaka bersukaria, menolong orang duka
Dulu, saya dalam kumpulan Siantan. Tengok ajalah slogan kumpulan... berani macam pahlawan... ahahha... go figure! Lihat lah saya sekarang ... ahahahha cuba tengok gambar di bawah dan cuba padankan lencana dengan kumpulannya...

Lagu Tunas Puteri dll - part 3
[Nota bertarikh 14.3.90, 21.3.90]
Lagu Dunia
Arah kita jelas ke depan
bendera berkibar
tidak berlipat di dunia
harapan abadi
Bersatu untuk kebenaran
persahabatan kukuh
selagi dunia masih ada
akan nyanyi lagu ini
Our way is clear as we march on
and see our flag on high
is never furled throughout the world
for hope shall never die
We must unite for what's right
in friendship true and strong
until the earth in its rebirth
shall sing our song (2x)
Salam Kabare
Salam kabare (2x)
salam, salam
bertemu lagi, berjumpa lagi
salam, salam
tinggal kawanku (2x)
tinggal, tinggal
bertemu lagi, berjumpa lagi
tinggal, tinggal
Burung Ketilang
Di puncak pohon cempaka
Burung ketilang berbunyi
Bersiul-siul sepanjang hari
Dengan tak jemu-jemu
Menggangguk- gangguk
sambil berseru
Tri li li li li li li li
Sambil berloncat-loncatan
paruhnya selalu terbuka
di geleng-gelengkan kepalanya
Memandang langit biru
tandanya suka ia berseru
Kodok Nyorok
Kodok nyorok
Ru ku tuk (2x)
Di pinggir kali (ri ki tih) (2x)
Dia jatuh
Ru ku tuk (2x)
lalu mati
Ru ku tik
Lagu minta yuran (hehehe)
Leng ci kang (2x)
Semangkuk dua kupang
Leng ci kang (2x)
Makan sikit tak kenyang
Semangkuk dua keping
Leng ci kang (2x)
The More We Get Together
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together, the merrier we'll be
For you friend, are my friends
and my friends are your friends
The more we get together, the merrier we will be
Jika Kita Berkumpul
Jika kita berkumpul, berkumpul, berkumpul
Jika kita berkumpul, lebih gembira
Kawanku kawanmu, kawanmu kawanku
Jika kita berkumpul, lebih gembira
Lagu Dunia
Arah kita jelas ke depan
bendera berkibar
tidak berlipat di dunia
harapan abadi
Bersatu untuk kebenaran
persahabatan kukuh
selagi dunia masih ada
akan nyanyi lagu ini
Our way is clear as we march on
and see our flag on high
is never furled throughout the world
for hope shall never die
We must unite for what's right
in friendship true and strong
until the earth in its rebirth
shall sing our song (2x)
Salam Kabare
Salam kabare (2x)
salam, salam
bertemu lagi, berjumpa lagi
salam, salam
tinggal kawanku (2x)
tinggal, tinggal
bertemu lagi, berjumpa lagi
tinggal, tinggal
Burung Ketilang
Di puncak pohon cempaka
Burung ketilang berbunyi
Bersiul-siul sepanjang hari
Dengan tak jemu-jemu
Menggangguk- gangguk
sambil berseru
Tri li li li li li li li
Sambil berloncat-loncatan
paruhnya selalu terbuka
di geleng-gelengkan kepalanya
Memandang langit biru
tandanya suka ia berseru
Kodok Nyorok
Kodok nyorok
Ru ku tuk (2x)
Di pinggir kali (ri ki tih) (2x)
Dia jatuh
Ru ku tuk (2x)
lalu mati
Ru ku tik
Lagu minta yuran (hehehe)
Leng ci kang (2x)
Semangkuk dua kupang
Leng ci kang (2x)
Makan sikit tak kenyang
Semangkuk dua keping
Leng ci kang (2x)
The More We Get Together
The more we get together, together, together
The more we get together, the merrier we'll be
For you friend, are my friends
and my friends are your friends
The more we get together, the merrier we will be
Jika Kita Berkumpul
Jika kita berkumpul, berkumpul, berkumpul
Jika kita berkumpul, lebih gembira
Kawanku kawanmu, kawanmu kawanku
Jika kita berkumpul, lebih gembira
Lagu Tunas Puteri dll - part 2
Dalam nota ni ada tarikh 4.7.09, 9.7.90 (lamaaaa tuuuuuu)
Here we are
Here we are (2x)
Here we are again (2x)
Hello, hello, hello, hello, hei
Di sini kita berjumpa
Di sini , di sini kita berjumpa
Di sini, di sini kita berkumpul
Salam (4x)
O Wana Wana Waki
O wana wana waki (wak-wak) 2x
Wana wana waki (wak-wak) 2x
Ai ya ya ippi ai yah yah (2x)
Ai yah , ai yah, ai yah , ai yah
Potong Bebek Angsa
Potong bebek angsa
masak dikuali
Nyonya minta danser
Danser 4x
Sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri
la la la la la la la
Lagu penutup (siang)
Kami puji, rahmat diberi
Matahari, bintang-bintang
Langit biru
Mana pergi
Hidup kami
TUHAN saksi
Lagu penutup (malam)
Malam datang, siang hilang
dari laut, dari gunung, dari langit
Semua selamat , sihat rehat
Berkat TUHAN
Day is done, gone the sun
From the hill, from the sea, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
GOD is high
Ging Gang Gooli
*Ging gang gooli gooli gooli , wakcha ging gang goo, ging gang goo* 2x
*Hey la oh hey la shey la oh heyla sheyla sheyla oh* 2x
Shalliwalla oompah (4x)
Here we are
Here we are (2x)
Here we are again (2x)
Hello, hello, hello, hello, hei
Di sini kita berjumpa
Di sini , di sini kita berjumpa
Di sini, di sini kita berkumpul
Salam (4x)
O Wana Wana Waki
O wana wana waki (wak-wak) 2x
Wana wana waki (wak-wak) 2x
Ai ya ya ippi ai yah yah (2x)
Ai yah , ai yah, ai yah , ai yah
Potong Bebek Angsa
Potong bebek angsa
masak dikuali
Nyonya minta danser
Danser 4x
Sorong ke kanan
Sorong ke kiri
la la la la la la la
Lagu penutup (siang)
Kami puji, rahmat diberi
Matahari, bintang-bintang
Langit biru
Mana pergi
Hidup kami
TUHAN saksi
Lagu penutup (malam)
Malam datang, siang hilang
dari laut, dari gunung, dari langit
Semua selamat , sihat rehat
Berkat TUHAN
Day is done, gone the sun
From the hill, from the sea, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
GOD is high
Ging Gang Gooli
*Ging gang gooli gooli gooli , wakcha ging gang goo, ging gang goo* 2x
*Hey la oh hey la shey la oh heyla sheyla sheyla oh* 2x
Shalliwalla oompah (4x)
Lagu Tunas Puteri dll - part 1

Masa sekolah dulu memang aktif dengan pelbagai aktiviti. Dari dulu lagi, saya memang selalu mengumpul apa saja dokumen dan apa saja informasi yang menarik. Jadi, walaupun sudah bertahun lamanya meninggalkan alam persekolahan, benda koleksi ni semua ada lagi rupanya! ahahha... masa mengemas kotak yang dibawa ke rumah baru ni, ada je benda yang di sangka sudah jadi sejarah zaman silam muncul semula. Di sini ingin dikongsikan bersama lagu2 yang pelajari oleh ahli tunas puteri. Tapi tak berapa pasti jika lagu ni masih digunakan. yalah dah hampir 19 tahun tinggalkan sekolah rendah... wooooooooooooooooo
Lagu Antarabangsa
lu la la lu
la la lu la lu la lei
lu la lu la lu la lu la lu la lei
lu la la lu la la lu la lu la lei
lu la lu la lu la lei
Oh Epoh
Oh epoh eh tai tai eh yah
Oh epoh eh tai tai eh yah
Oh epoh eh tai tai epoh
Eh tuki tuki epoh eh tuki tuki eh yah
Om pah (seriously, I forgotten about this song, but since it is inside the notebook... sooo...)
Om pah pah wa
(ha hei ta ku ne me) 2x
Toko nomoto
hei ho hei ho
You bak te ko
Teh ko ne ho kima ra
Mapole Koba ( I forgotten about this song too but...)
Mapole koba
Oh mapole koba
Mapole koba
Oh chuchi bushi oh kui
Choir Songs @ Form 1, 1992

Yesterday Once More
(The Carpenters)
When I was young-----
I'd listen to the radio
Waitin' for my favorite songs
When they played I'd sing along
It made me smile.
Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they'd gone
But they're back again
Just like a long lost friend
All the songs I loved so well.
Every Sha-la-la-la
Every Wo-o-wo-o
Still shines
Every shing-a-ling-a-ling
That they're startin' to sing's
So fine.
When they get to the part
Where he's breakin' her heart
It can really make me cry
Just like before
It's yesterday once more.
Oh thank you Maam!
Isn't she sweet?
Oh yeah! I know she is sweet
Isn't she great?
Oh yeah! I know she is great
I'd like to thank her
Oh thank you maam!
Thank you maam for everything!
For all that you have done.
I am so sad
I'm so sad that she is leaving us
Goodbye we are here to tell you
Goodbye to our headmistress
Goodbye we long to see you again.
You are a gift from above
You are devoted and true
When the going gets though
You are loving, caring, and we would like to thank you!
Oh thank you maam!
Thank you maam for everything!
For all that you have done.
These two songs were the song I sang in a choir when I was in form 1 back in 1992. phew! very long time ago... ahahha... The 2nd song was devoted to our headmistress who was retiring. Unfortunately I cannot remember who that is. I also cannot remember who wrote this song... hahahha such fun times... I found this songs in a piece of paper in one of the note books. The original paper and original handwriting in 1992! ahahah...
Tagalog for you
Hello - Kumusta
Yes - Oo
No - Hindi
Thank you - Salamat po
You are welcome - Walang anuman
Goodbye - Paalam
Good evening - Magandang Gabi
Good afternoon - Magandang Hapon
What is your name? Anong pangalan mo?
My name is... - Ang pangalan ko ay...
How are you ? Kumusta ka na?
Very well, thank you - Mabuti, salamat
My pleasure - Ikinagagalak ko
Excuse me, please - Pau manhin po
I am fine, thank you - Mabuti ako, salamat
I am sorry - Pinagsisisihan ko
Perhaps - Baka
Very interesting! Kawilli willi
Wonderful - Kahanga karya
Could you repeat that please? - Paki, ulitnga?
I understand - Naintindihan ko
I don't understand - Hindi no maintindihan
Leeway is one sweet girl I knew during the Youth Program in Korea 2003. From all the delegates from Philippines, I tend to hang out with her most. I learn a lot of things from their culture including their languages. However, like I mention before, I might have forgotten some of the pronunciation of these words, so better double check with an expert ya. As for Leeway, even though now she is working in Singapore, so near compared to the Philippines, I have yet being able to meet up with her... one day we will meet again dear Leeway!
Yes - Oo
No - Hindi
Thank you - Salamat po
You are welcome - Walang anuman
Goodbye - Paalam
Good evening - Magandang Gabi
Good afternoon - Magandang Hapon
What is your name? Anong pangalan mo?
My name is... - Ang pangalan ko ay...
How are you ? Kumusta ka na?
Very well, thank you - Mabuti, salamat
My pleasure - Ikinagagalak ko
Excuse me, please - Pau manhin po
I am fine, thank you - Mabuti ako, salamat
I am sorry - Pinagsisisihan ko
Perhaps - Baka
Very interesting! Kawilli willi
Wonderful - Kahanga karya
Could you repeat that please? - Paki, ulitnga?
I understand - Naintindihan ko
I don't understand - Hindi no maintindihan
Leeway is one sweet girl I knew during the Youth Program in Korea 2003. From all the delegates from Philippines, I tend to hang out with her most. I learn a lot of things from their culture including their languages. However, like I mention before, I might have forgotten some of the pronunciation of these words, so better double check with an expert ya. As for Leeway, even though now she is working in Singapore, so near compared to the Philippines, I have yet being able to meet up with her... one day we will meet again dear Leeway!
Thai Lesson 27.11.04
Khun maa jaak nai? - Where are you from?
Pom / Chan maa jaak... - I am from .... (Pom is for girls and Chan is for guys)
Laa-gone - Goodbye
Ma pen rai - You are welcome
Pom / Chan chue... - My name is ...
Sabaidee rue plao? - How are you?
Sabaidee khopkun - Very well, thank you
Yin dee - My pleasure
Kaw tote - Excuse me, please
Khun chue a rai? - What is your name?
Khun puk tee nai? - Where are you staying?
Khun mee sunchaat arai? - What is your nationality?
Pom / Chan mee sunchaat ... - My nationality is...
Garuna poot chaachaa - Please speak more slowly
Khun poot eek krung daai mai? - Could you please repeat that?
Pom/Chan sia-jai - I am sorry
Baang-tee - Perhaps
Naa sonjai maak - Very interesting
Yawd-yiam - Wonderful
Choke-dee - Good luck
Kaw sadaeng kwaan yindeeduai - Congratulations!
Khun kian nun hai noi daai mai? - Could you write that down?
The first friend that I knew during my early years in UPM... and she turn out to be a thai! no wonder her accent was soo weird! I approaced her since I saw that she was alone that day, just like me... turn out to be that this friendship lasted until today and I cherish her friendship very much! Nee, u're a best friend anyone could ever wish for and I am glad that you are mine! Just like this candle... togetherness...BFF best friend, forever...Insyallah....
Pom / Chan maa jaak... - I am from .... (Pom is for girls and Chan is for guys)
Laa-gone - Goodbye
Ma pen rai - You are welcome
Pom / Chan chue... - My name is ...
Sabaidee rue plao? - How are you?
Sabaidee khopkun - Very well, thank you
Yin dee - My pleasure
Kaw tote - Excuse me, please
Khun chue a rai? - What is your name?
Khun puk tee nai? - Where are you staying?
Khun mee sunchaat arai? - What is your nationality?
Pom / Chan mee sunchaat ... - My nationality is...
Garuna poot chaachaa - Please speak more slowly
Khun poot eek krung daai mai? - Could you please repeat that?
Pom/Chan sia-jai - I am sorry
Baang-tee - Perhaps
Naa sonjai maak - Very interesting
Yawd-yiam - Wonderful
Choke-dee - Good luck
Kaw sadaeng kwaan yindeeduai - Congratulations!
Khun kian nun hai noi daai mai? - Could you write that down?
The first friend that I knew during my early years in UPM... and she turn out to be a thai! no wonder her accent was soo weird! I approaced her since I saw that she was alone that day, just like me... turn out to be that this friendship lasted until today and I cherish her friendship very much! Nee, u're a best friend anyone could ever wish for and I am glad that you are mine! Just like this candle... togetherness...BFF best friend, forever...Insyallah....

Romanian Lesson 1 (26.11.04)
Mereu - Always
A fi de acord - Agree
Multumese - Thank you
Spre - To
Da - Yes
Aici - Here
Va rog - Please
De la - From
Scuzati-ma - Excuse me
Salut - Hello
Buna dimineata - Good morning
Buna zina - Good afternoon
Buna seara - Good evening
Noapte buna - Good night
De unde Sunteti? - Where are you from?
Sunt din ... - I am from ...
La revedere - Good bye
Cu placere - You are welcome
Cum va cheama? - What is your name?
Numele meu este ... - My name is...
Scuzati-ma, va rog - Excuse me, please
This is another language which intrigued me. The only reason was because of Catalin Popescu. My dear pen pal from Romania. He is one of my earliest pen pals and the friendship blossomed quickly. I can't quite remember when exactly we started writing to each other (but most probably Cata will!)... but I remember that I will always look forward to his letters and emails. There is always things to share and stories to read. Nowadays, even though we are being caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives far far away from each other, we still keep in touch via the emails... and various friendship networks that is available out there...
A fi de acord - Agree
Multumese - Thank you
Spre - To
Da - Yes
Aici - Here
Va rog - Please
De la - From
Scuzati-ma - Excuse me
Salut - Hello
Buna dimineata - Good morning
Buna zina - Good afternoon
Buna seara - Good evening
Noapte buna - Good night
De unde Sunteti? - Where are you from?
Sunt din ... - I am from ...
La revedere - Good bye
Cu placere - You are welcome
Cum va cheama? - What is your name?
Numele meu este ... - My name is...
Scuzati-ma, va rog - Excuse me, please
This is another language which intrigued me. The only reason was because of Catalin Popescu. My dear pen pal from Romania. He is one of my earliest pen pals and the friendship blossomed quickly. I can't quite remember when exactly we started writing to each other (but most probably Cata will!)... but I remember that I will always look forward to his letters and emails. There is always things to share and stories to read. Nowadays, even though we are being caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives far far away from each other, we still keep in touch via the emails... and various friendship networks that is available out there...

Some German words
Guten nacht! - Goodnight
Guten morgen - Good morning
Geten tag! - Goodday
Shlaf gut - Sleep well
Dauke - Thanks
Bitte - Please
Bis bald - See you later
Wie geht - How are you?
Wie - how
Wann - When
Was - What
Warum - Why
Wo - Where
Ja - yes
Nein - No
Nicht - Don't
Weiss Nicht - Don't know
Geht nicht geit - Not good
I used to be fascinated by all the others languages in the world, German included. I used to keep a small note book which comprises all the useful phrases in the languages that I am interested in learning... After I moved to my own house a few months back, I have been slowly unpacking all the boxes that contains many memorabilia and notes/information from all the programs that I have been to... and I found many notebooks containing many useful information like these. However, I an unable to recall all the right pronunciation of all these foreign words. So you might want to refer to the expects in order to learn the right way to say these words... oh ya, I do have one German friend - Karsten... he came to Malaysia few years back for some youth programs... I wonder what is he been up too lately... hmmm...
Guten morgen - Good morning
Geten tag! - Goodday
Shlaf gut - Sleep well
Dauke - Thanks
Bitte - Please
Bis bald - See you later
Wie geht - How are you?
Wie - how
Wann - When
Was - What
Warum - Why
Wo - Where
Ja - yes
Nein - No
Nicht - Don't
Weiss Nicht - Don't know
Geht nicht geit - Not good
I used to be fascinated by all the others languages in the world, German included. I used to keep a small note book which comprises all the useful phrases in the languages that I am interested in learning... After I moved to my own house a few months back, I have been slowly unpacking all the boxes that contains many memorabilia and notes/information from all the programs that I have been to... and I found many notebooks containing many useful information like these. However, I an unable to recall all the right pronunciation of all these foreign words. So you might want to refer to the expects in order to learn the right way to say these words... oh ya, I do have one German friend - Karsten... he came to Malaysia few years back for some youth programs... I wonder what is he been up too lately... hmmm...

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