Guten morgen - Good morning
Geten tag! - Goodday
Shlaf gut - Sleep well
Dauke - Thanks
Bitte - Please
Bis bald - See you later
Wie geht - How are you?
Wie - how
Wann - When
Was - What
Warum - Why
Wo - Where
Ja - yes
Nein - No
Nicht - Don't
Weiss Nicht - Don't know
Geht nicht geit - Not good
I used to be fascinated by all the others languages in the world, German included. I used to keep a small note book which comprises all the useful phrases in the languages that I am interested in learning... After I moved to my own house a few months back, I have been slowly unpacking all the boxes that contains many memorabilia and notes/information from all the programs that I have been to... and I found many notebooks containing many useful information like these. However, I an unable to recall all the right pronunciation of all these foreign words. So you might want to refer to the expects in order to learn the right way to say these words... oh ya, I do have one German friend - Karsten... he came to Malaysia few years back for some youth programs... I wonder what is he been up too lately... hmmm...

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