A fi de acord - Agree
Multumese - Thank you
Spre - To
Da - Yes
Aici - Here
Va rog - Please
De la - From
Scuzati-ma - Excuse me
Salut - Hello
Buna dimineata - Good morning
Buna zina - Good afternoon
Buna seara - Good evening
Noapte buna - Good night
De unde Sunteti? - Where are you from?
Sunt din ... - I am from ...
La revedere - Good bye
Cu placere - You are welcome
Cum va cheama? - What is your name?
Numele meu este ... - My name is...
Scuzati-ma, va rog - Excuse me, please
This is another language which intrigued me. The only reason was because of Catalin Popescu. My dear pen pal from Romania. He is one of my earliest pen pals and the friendship blossomed quickly. I can't quite remember when exactly we started writing to each other (but most probably Cata will!)... but I remember that I will always look forward to his letters and emails. There is always things to share and stories to read. Nowadays, even though we are being caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives far far away from each other, we still keep in touch via the emails... and various friendship networks that is available out there...

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