Even in college years, I took the Mass Communication course (no surprise there!) haha... doing Public Relations. Since private college have limited extra curricular activities... I got bored... due to the fact that the whole to and fro process every single day! So as any restless teenager would do... (or youth adult since it is already college years) I went out to find my own activities! no no... not clubbing and not rempit also... (no motor license anyway), I explored my options in events and actitivies in the real world. Which I did... yohoo...
GKII was the first international conference I was involved in... as a youth volunteer, and I must say that it was the first step of everything else that happened in my life. (GKII-Global Knowledge II)...It was one of the best! I learned a lot and I met lots of new friends!...

* The second Global Knowledge Conference (GKII), hosted by the Government of Malaysia, focused on building knowledge societies through the process of identifying practical means to harness information, knowledge and new technologies to promote equity, fairness, social justice, empowerment and informed decision-making. Over 1000 people from more than 120 countries met in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to consider the special challenges facing communities and nations in the rapidly changing information and communications environment.
Access, Empowerment and Governance - three crucial elements in building equitable and sustainable Knowledge Societies - formed the core themes of GKII. In the context of these themes, GKII also focused on the importance of empowering women and youth through the use of information and communications technologies (ICTs) and highlighted the role of the media in facilitating greater access to, and thereby promoting, knowledge for development.*
(*...* source:http://www.globalknowledgepartnership.org/gkp/index.cfm/pageid/338)
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